Tuesday, December 4, 2012

WebCenter Content: dStatus explained

A short while ago I was looking for a state transition diagram of the different dStatus values a revision can have. I could not find a good picture or description of this, and therefore decided to make one myself.

The dStatus metadata field (status in the user interface and the dstatus column in the Revisions table) describes the current state of the revision (think: document lifecycle). This is the primary state of a revision. Other revision states are: dReleaseState, dProcessingState, dIndexerState and dWorkFlowState). This blog post will focus only on describing the dStatus states and their transitions.

Possible values for dStatus:

dStatusDescription of the dStatus
GENWWWThe initial state of a new content item. The content item is being converted to a web-viewable format or is being indexed. When either process fails the content item also has this release state.
DONEThe content item is waiting to be released on its specified release date (or as soon as possible when no release date is specified).
RELEASEDThe content item has completed all processing and is searchable and viewable.
EXPIREDThe content item has been expired because its specified expire date has been specified (note that this never happens if no expire date has been specified).
DELETEDThe content item was deleted. This release state is only temporary as the indexer will remove these items from the repository completely when it encounters them.
EDITThe content item is in a workflow waiting for contributors and/or reviewers.
REVIEWThe content item is in a workflow waiting for a review step. Note that in some older documentation this state is called PENDING.

The figure below shows the transitions between the different dStatus possibilities. Note that I have not drawn the workflow states (EDIT and REVIEW) as I currently do not have a system where I can easily verify my assumptions.

Possible transitions for dStatus:

TransitionDescription of the transition
1After a revision has been checked in, its initial state is always GENWWW (whether the primary file should be converted or not).
2The background processes that handle (the administration of) the conversion are completed and the document ends up in the DONE release state. When a document must be converted first, this step is only done after the document is successfully converted. When this process fails, see 5.
3When a document in the release state DONE has a dInDate in the past, the indexer background process completes the release process. The document ends up in the RELEASED release state. Note that when no dInDate is specified, it is defaulted with the dCreateDate (the document check-in date).
4When a document in the release state RELEASED has a dOutDate in the past the indexer background process expires the document; the document ends up in the EXPIRED release state. Note that when no expire date has been specified this will never take place.
5When the indexer background process fails (see description of step 2), either because the conversion failed or the indexing itself fails, the document ends up (stuck) in the GENWWW release state.
6Whenever a document is deleted it ends up in the (temporary) DELETED release state. When in this state, the document can be removed from the system by the indexer background process.

That's it. Let me know if I missed something. One last note: this should be correct for version 10g (maybe earlier) up until version 11g PS5 (probably also after that).